The frequently asked questions below will answer the most common questions. If the questions and answers below do not provide the information you need, please reach out to the AWC Manager in your respective area.
General Information
How do I get started if I am interested in Agency with Choice (AWC) for my loved one?
See the Steps to Get Started page here.
The Agency with Choice (AWC) service seems too good to be true, what’s the catch?
There is no catch! ODP created this model of service to provide more choice and control for the participant and family. If you would like more information, please contact your local AWC office for more information.
What counties do you support?
Please see our service area located here.
How often do we meet with AWC staff?
Your AWC Specialist will attend the yearly Individual Support Plan meeting and will also schedule an AWC Annual meeting. At a minimum you will meet with your AWC Specialist twice a year. The AWC Specialist can also meet with you when needed, outside of these 2 scheduled meetings.
What is an AWC Annual Review meeting?
The AWC Annual Review meeting is held approximately 6 months after the Individual Support Plan meeting. The purpose is to review the understanding of the participants AWC services including the Managing Employer roles and responsibilities as well as review and sign the annual AWC paperwork.
What UCP Central PA AWC office supports the county I live in?
Please see the Service Area listing which shows you which administrative office services your county. Please feel free to reach out to the office for more information.
Who is my assigned AWC Specialist?
Please reach out to the AWC Manager in your assigned administrative office to find out who the name of your assigned AWC Specialist.
What is an additional resource for people under the age of 21?
You may find more information about Medicaid program’s benefit for children and adolescents in the EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment) Guide.
Employee Related Questions
How long does it take an employee to be hired to support my loved one?
Once you are contacted by the AWC Hiring Coordinator, the length of time it takes to move through the hiring process depends on how quickly the employee is able to complete each step of the process.
Can a person be the Managing Employer and the employee?
- Per the AWC Bulletin, the Managing Employer cannot also be a paid employee.
Do you take taxes out for the employee?
Yes, UCP Central PA will ensure taxes are taken out of the employee’s paycheck based on the selections the employee makes on their tax forms.
Does the employee have to complete training?
Yes, the employee must complete online training prior to providing 1:1 service to the participant as well as annually.
How much will my employees get paid?
The employee pay rate range that the Managing Employer decides from depends on the service that is authorized in the Individual Support Plan. This range is discussed during the intake meeting or for those already receiving AWC services, please reach out to your AWC Specialist.
When do employees get paid?
Please see the payroll calendar to see pay dates with the correlating pay weeks listed. You may also view what dates employees get paid on the calendar.
How does the employee get their pay stubs?
You can pull your pay stubs electronically from ADP. Instructions to create your ADP account is located here.
What do I do if I want my employees get paid mileage?
For employees to get paid mileage, it must me an approved services in the participants Individual Support Plan. Please contact the Supports Coordinator to see if this is a service that can be added.
If mileage is approved in the Individual Support Plan, when and how do employees get paid?
Employees are paid mileage on their regular paycheck. Please see the calendar showing pay dates. Mileage logs must be submitted by Monday of the week prior to the pay week.
Can the employees work over 40 hours per week?
One employee is not permitted to work more than 40 hours per week.
Can I give my employee a raise?
Please contact your AWC Specialist to review the current list of pay ranges based on the approved services.
Can the AWC employee work a different day than what they usually work?
Please speak with your Managing Employer to discuss your schedule. The Managing Employer will contact the AWC Specialist to adjust your MatrixCare schedule when necessary.
How do I figure out how many hours I have left for the week?
Check your MatrixCare app to see the number of hours worked and subtract from your total number of allowed hours for the week.
What does my employee do when they want to take time off, and is that time paid?
If your employee would like to take a day off, holiday or vacation, they should discuss this with the Managing Employer in advance so that they can build the day off into the schedule. All days off are unpaid as the compensation packages incorporate days off into an employee’s base rate of pay.
Does an employee receive healthcare benefits?
If an employee works 30+ hours consistently, the employee is eligible to be offered a benefit package.
Do I need a funding source to receive AWC services?
Yes, AWC accepts the Office of Developmental Program waivers, Person Family Directed Services, Community Living and Consolidated Waivers. If you do not currently have this funding source, visit Here to find out how to get started.
Does AWC accept personal insurance?
We do not bill services through insurance.
Why do I, as the Managing Employer, have to set schedules for my employees?
Due to the Federal and Office of Developmental Program requirements of Electronic Visit Verification, there must be a schedule available to the employee in their MatrixCare app to be able to clock in and out of each shift. If schedules change, feel free to contact your AWC Specialist to update your employee’s schedule.
Why does my employee have to write documentation for each shift?
The Office of Developmental Program requires documentation to be written by the person providing the support to ensure that the appropriate service is being provided based on the Individual Support Plan authorization and outcomes.